graveside / ˈgreɪvˌsaɪd /


graveside2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the area beside a grave.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. being or conducted beside a grave: a graveside funeral service.


  1. Her obituary stated that there would be a graveside service.
  2. Early in the pandemic, I led a small, family-only graveside service for a military veteran and farmer.
  3. The graveside services at the LBJ Ranch were the coldest I ever experienced.
  4. Then Donald carried the whinger with him and went back to the graveside, still open to the sky.
  5. Strange scenes sometimes are witnessed at the graveside, prompted perhaps by weird superstitions.
  6. At the graveside stood the nurse, still suffering from the effects of drink.
  7. Then he saw that Glory was alone by the graveside, and his voice faltered and almost failed him.
  8. And then, as if he had omitted a fact of some importance, he added: "I will kneel at his graveside before we go."