gratuitous / grəˈtu ɪ təs, -ˈtyu- /


gratuitous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; free; voluntary.
  2. being without apparent reason, cause, or justification: a gratuitous insult.
  3. Law. given without receiving any return value.

gratuitous 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective


adj. 形容词 adjective

not necessary


  1. While she missed Phoenix’s first-round nail-biter over New York, Sophie Cunningham entered the game and impersonated her mentor, right down to the made threes and gratuitous technical.
  2. One fellow entertainer suggested the conversion was a “gratuitous” effort to curry favor with Jewish nightclub owners and audiences.
  3. It seemed gratuitous and counter-intuitive in a story that had already inflicted more than enough suffering.
  4. And, in a gratuitous show of homicidal prowess, Moses kills two assassins he meets while wandering in the desert of Sinai.
  5. Initially, I thought, “OK, they have to throw in a wave… that looks gratuitous.”
  6. But God forbid a TV series premieres pushing out gratuitous emotion and gratuitous feeling.
  7. The Israeli soldiers, my age, sat impassively on a bench while babies cried and a man complained about gratuitous humiliation.
  8. A baronet scientifically skilled in pugilism, enjoyed no pleasure so much as giving gratuitous instructions in his favorite art.
  9. “I dare say that looked very much like a gratuitous impertinence from—the packer,” he observed.
  10. Such are the ideas which the dogma of gratuitous predestination gives of Divinity!
  11. Much difficulty arose, in the distribution of gratuitous supplies of food, from the routine of the public offices.
  12. In consequence, they have imagined many gratuitous suppositions to explain the union of the soul with the body.