grandee / grænˈdi /


grandee 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a man of high social position or eminence, especially a Spanish or Portuguese nobleman.

grandee 近义词


等同于 nobleman


  1. Party grandees in Angela Merkel’s center-right Christian Democratic Union will choose their new leader tomorrow.
  2. The corporation operated numerous tobacco plantations, kept detailed records of enslaved workers’ productivity and installed as managers priests who lived more like planter grandees than servants of Christ.
  3. Strange that he should be thus happy in a receptacle of so much pain and sorrow; yet he was light-hearted as the son of a grandee.
  4. On rising from the card-table, I saw a Spanish grandee, an afrancesado in exile, who had been about a fortnight in Touraine.
  5. Don Jaime, as the grandee was called, decided to paint her reclining on a crimson sofa, with plants and flowers at her side.
  6. During the days succeeding the arrival of the grandee, Belinchon's friends cast mocking glances at their rivals.
  7. The grandee even condescended to tell her a great deal of his private history; his public one was known by everybody.