gracilis / ˈgræs ə lɪs /


gracilis 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural grac·i·les [gras-uh-leez]. /ˈgræs əˌliz/. Anatomy.

  1. a muscle in the inner side of the thigh, the action of which assists in drawing the legs inward and in bending the knee.


  1. The Middle beds, composed of white chalk with flints, the zone of Terebratulina gracilis, is exposed at Beer.
  2. Among those with short fasci are major, gracilis, and nymanniana; those with long fasci are pectinalis, solierolii and veneris.
  3. Ea est arundineti senectus, cum ita densatum est, ut gracilis et cann similis arundo prodeat.
  4. One afternoon, after we had been reading the Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa, my teacher desired to visit his relative.
  5. For one thing the geographic ranges of gracilis, leucoparia, arizonae and ambigua coincide over a considerable part of Arizona.