goral / ˈgɔr əl, ˈgoʊr- /


goral 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a short-horned goat antelope, Naemorhedus goral, of the mountainous regions of southeastern Asia: an endangered species.


  1. We would arrive to see the hounds dancing about the burrow yelping excitedly instead of having a goral at bay as we had expected.
  2. One of the natives cut a leafy branch, placed the goral upon it and at the first cut chanted a prayer.
  3. A moment later we heard the goral leaping down the cliff not a hundred yards away.
  4. We had not gone a hundred yards when the hunter shouted that a goral was running in our direction.
  5. After each dog had had a taste of the goral's blood we again climbed the cliff at the end of the meadow.