gonococcus 的定义
plural gon·o·coc·ci [gon-uh-kok-sahy, -see]. /ˌgɒn əˈkɒk saɪ, -si/.
- the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, causing gonorrhea.
- Ordinarily, no attempt is made to identify any but the tubercle bacillus and the gonococcus.
- The gonococcus is distinguished by its failure to grow upon ordinary media.
- The least trace of Gomenol prevents the growth in vitro of the streptococcus, the tuberculous bacillus and the gonococcus.
- I have noticed the same tendency to stitch-abscess in cases of diffuse pelvic inflammation due to infection by the gonococcus.
- He was admitted to the sick list, 9-16-58, diagnosis, "urethritis acute due to gonococcus."