gluteus / ˈglu ti əs, gluˈti- /


gluteus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural glu·te·i [gloo-tee-ahy, gloo-tee-ahy]. /ˈglu tiˌaɪ, gluˈti aɪ/. Anatomy.

  1. any of several muscles of the buttocks, especially the gluteus maximus.


  1. Kardashian, ever the opportunist, no doubt surveyed the gluteus landscape and wanted in on the cultural “conversation.”
  2. The rod is straight while the body follows the curves of the vertebral column and the gluteus muscles.
  3. When it contracts, taking its fixed point at the pelvis, the gluteus medius extends the thigh, which it is also able to abduct.
  4. As for the gluteus minimus, it is deeply situated, and more or less sharply marked off from the second of the preceding muscles.
  5. Carlsson did not find a femoral nerve supply for M. gluteus profundus.
  6. Wilcox , studying a loon, did not find any peroneal supply to M. extensor iliotibialis lateralis or to M. gluteus profundus.