globetrotter / ˈgloʊbˌtrɒt ər /


globetrotter 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who travels regularly or frequently to countries all over the world.

globetrotter 近义词

n. 名词 noun


globetrotter 的近义词 2


  1. Call him a hero, call him a traitor—at the moment, NSA leaker Edward Snowden is nothing more than a bona fide globetrotter.
  2. From The Globetrotter Diaries by Michael Clinton, copyright 2013, published by Glitterati Inc.
  3. Possibly perceiving an expression of dubiosity on their faces the globetrotter went on, adhering to his adventures.
  4. He had to go to Simla to look after a globetrotter relative of his—a person with a title.
  5. But the new ideas grew; every globetrotter became a Nationalist and an Imperialist, and shed his party skin.
  6. But being what I am, there is no real zest in merely moving about aimlessly like any other globetrotter.
  7. One bore all the distinguishing marks of the army officer of high rank, but the other was unmistakably a globetrotter.