glary / ˈglɛər i /


glary 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

glar·i·er, glar·i·est.

  1. harshly brilliant; glaring.


  1. The same glary, unpleasant light beat down from the same impossible sky.
  2. It was July—a hot glary day, but a steady wind blew cool and sweet from the southwest, bringing in all sorts of woodland odors.
  3. The frozen expanse stretched steel-white, glary and glistening, a solid sheet of ice.
  4. Against that green the red of Brinnaria's gown showed strident and glary, for Brinnaria was sitting on his lap.
  5. Look out of that window; it's a bit glary with the sun full on, but do you see those rows of stakes the nets are made fast on?