gladius / ˈgleɪ di əs /


gladius 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural gla·di·i [gley-dee-ahy]. /ˈgleɪ diˌaɪ/.

  1. a short sword used in ancient Rome by legionaries.


  1. The fish referred to is in all likelihood Histiophorus gladius, a species very closely related to, if not identical with, our own.
  2. It is a common saying that Gula plures occidit quam gladius.
  3. The European species, common in the Mediterranean, is the Xiphias gladius of naturalists.
  4. Slowly he drew his short-bladed, heavy gladius from its sheath.
  5. I'll take that sword there—no scabbard—and two daggers, besides my gladius.