gesellschaft / German gəˈzɛlˌʃɑft /


gesellschaft 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ge·sell·schaf·ten [German guh-zel-shahf-tuhn]. /German gəˈzɛlˌʃɑf tən/.

  1. an association of individuals for common goals, as for entertainment, intellectual, or cultural purposes or for business reasons.
  2. Sociology. a society or group characterized chiefly by formal organization, impersonal relations, the absence of generally held or binding norms, and a detachment from traditional and sentimental concerns, and often tending to be rationalistic and secular in outlook.


  1. Another society of note was the still existing and flourishing Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde.
  2. Gesellschaft (Berlin, 1906) and Religionsgeschichtlicher u. gesch.
  3. Schindler somewhere censures the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde for its long delay in making Beethoven an honorary member.
  4. So Pohl, who wrote a history of the Gesellschaft, informed Thayer in a note.
  5. The autograph is preserved by the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna.