germander / dʒərˈmæn dər /


germander 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several plants or shrubs belonging to the genus Teucrium, of the mint family, as T. chamaedrys, of Europe, and T. canadense, of eastern North America.


  1. He was baptized—as German or Germaine (Germander is a corruption)—in 1573.
  2. The nearest indication of the date of this letter is found in the mention of Sir Germander Pool.
  3. People confound it sometimes with the germander–speedwell, another lovely flower of May and June.
  4. Among the plants so affected are the germander speedwell, wild thyme, ground-ivy, and others to which we shall afterwards advert.
  5. Or geue theim posset ale hote with rosemary, dittane, & germander.