geocentric / ˌdʒi oʊˈsɛn trɪk /
geocentric 的定义
adj. 形容词 adjective- having or representing the earth as a center: a geocentric theory of the universe.
- using the earth or earthly life as the only basis of evaluation.
- viewed or measured as from the center of the earth: the geocentric position of the moon.
- The universally adopted view of the structure of the universe was geocentric, of the world, anthropocentric.
- In the picturing of this future life the medival geocentric idea still forms the chief feature.
- Contrariwise, his unqualified acceptance of the geocentric doctrine sufficed to place that doctrine beyond the range of challenge.
- After the geocentric illusion had been destroyed, the anthropocentric illusion still remained.
- The degeneration theory has exploded as entirely as the geocentric and anthropocentric theories have vanished.