geocaching / ˈdʒi oʊˌkæʃ ɪŋ /


geocaching 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the outdoor sport or game of searching for hidden objects by using Global Positioning System coordinates posted on the internet.


  1. The post Make your fall weekends more exciting with geocaching appeared first on Popular Science.
  2. While geocaching can be effective in getting the kids out of the house for a few hours, it is also a wonderful tool to break up an autumn road trip or help you avoid crowded spaces and indoor attractions.
  3. Use a visit to a local park or trail as an opportunity to gather sticks for a fort, or research geocaching spots before you head out.
  4. Another not-as-obscure-as-it-sounds use for the GPS is Geocaching, a kind of high-tech treasure-hunting game.