A year ago, the genomics lab at the University of Maryland School of Medicine could have started sequencing coronavirus samples and searching for variants on a significant scale, if only there had been the money to launch it.
Turning sequences into usable data is the biggest challenge for public health genomics programs, he says.
The lab leak “is possible, but there’s no evidence to support it,” says Massa Shoura, a biophysicist and genomics expert at Stanford University who was not involved with the report.
Researchers found irregular mitochondrial performance in dozens of astronauts and were able to broadly characterize these changes thanks to new genomics and proteomics techniques.
The Ebola Wars By Richard Preston, New Yorker How genomics research can help contain the outbreak.
When first genomics started, we figured the result would be self-improvement—literally.
Breakthroughs in genomics, regenerative medicine, as well as personalized drugs and therapies are all within our reach.