gendarme / ˈʒɑn dɑrm; French ʒɑ̃ˈdarm /


gendarme 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural gen·darmes [zhahn-dahrmz; French zhahn-darm]. /ˈʒɑn dɑrmz; French ʒɑ̃ˈdarm/.

  1. a police officer in any of several European countries, especially a French police officer.
  2. a soldier, especially in France, serving in an army group acting as armed police with authority over civilians.
  3. a cavalryman in charge of a French cavalry squad.

gendarme 近义词


等同于 police


等同于 police/police officer


等同于 police officer


等同于 patrolman


等同于 patrolwoman


等同于 policeman


等同于 policewoman


  1. In September, Francis told the Swiss Guard and the Gendarme that the only real threats the Vatican faces are from within.
  2. His father was executed in 1942 by a German gendarme after attempting to smuggle a packet of saccharine into the Ghetto.
  3. A French gendarme on the case has been dispatched to London, where he will be joined by three additional French investigators.
  4. The gendarme moved quietly away, and repeated what he had heard to his captain.
  5. The gendarme passed on, without deigning to thank the wretched looking man in a faded fez and torn coat.
  6. He finished with a gesture of supreme disgust, as if friendship with a gendarme were the basest of crimes.
  7. When mother had recovered enough to speak she began to argue with the gendarme, telling him our story and begging him to be kind.
  8. Mamma asked him why, but he said nothing and left the car, another gendarme entering as he did so.