gemeinschaft / German gəˈmaɪnˌʃɑft /


gemeinschaft 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ge·mein·schaf·ten [German guh-mahyn-shahf-tuhn]. /German gəˈmaɪnˌʃɑf tən/.

  1. an association of individuals having sentiments, tastes, and attitudes in common; fellowship.
  2. Sociology. a society or group characterized chiefly by a strong sense of common identity, close personal relationships, and an attachment to traditional and sentimental concerns.


  1. For lack of a more suitable English equivalent I have translated Gemeinschaft as communion.
  2. They went by the name of the Gemeinschaft der Heiligen, and the fervours of the community were at least those of genuine votaries.