gematria / gəˈmeɪ tri ə /


gematria 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a cabbalistic system of interpretation of the Scriptures by substituting for a particular word another word whose letters give the same numerical sum.


  1. But, according to this highly scientific gematria calculator, it turns out that “Justin Bieb” also adds up to 666.
  2. Yet, by the Kabbalistic rules of Gematria and Temurah might they not be exhumed?
  3. The word is a cabalistic cryptogram—an instance of Gematria—for Babel.
  4. You mentioned some works on the numerical Cabbala, the Gematria (I think) they call it.
  5. Machlah by Gematria equals eighty-three; and all may be avoided by an early breakfast of bread and salt and a bottle of water.
  6. And let us now assume a point in dispute in order to illustrate how it is solved by Gematria.