gasthaus / ˈgɑstˌhaʊs /


gasthaus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural gast·haus·es [gahst-hou-ziz], /ˈgɑstˌhaʊ zɪz/, gast·häus·er [gahst-hoi-zer]. /ˈgɑstˌhɔɪ zər/.

  1. a German inn or tavern.


  1. We lunched at a Gasthaus in the small town of Furth im Walde.
  2. They were not in the market-place; they were not at the Gasthaus; they were not in the Cathedral.
  3. An example of this kind occurs near the Bernina Gasthaus, about two hours from Pontresina.
  4. My father had the tact and kindly humor that make a man equally at home and welcome in Gasthaus and Schloss.
  5. It was evidently a Gasthaus of considerable antiquity, and had been carefully restored.