gap-toothed / ˈgæpˌtuθt, -ˌtuðd /


gap-toothed 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a noticeable space between two teeth.


  1. In straight relationships with an age gap, words like ‘gold-digger’ and ‘trophy wife’ get thrown around.
  2. But most of this gap, say the researchers who carried out the study, is due to discrimination.
  3. Since then, the rising gap between the rich and middle- and lower-income families has risen to the fore.
  4. No approving remarks for the growing gap between rich and poor.
  5. The best, or at least most successful, are bridging the gap between punk-rock DIY ethos and social-media savvy.
  6. A pang, a bitterness that lasted for a day or for a year—and the gap would be filled again by some one else.
  7. Bran or horse-dung inside was a good thing as a stop-gap, though it added not to the strength of the boiler.
  8. The tall man leaped over just there; and the Jew, running a few paces to the right, crept through that gap.
  9. Then you're the chap who covered the trail between Phœnix and Potter's Gap yesterday afternoon?
  10. Before he could recover, a figure was flying through the open gap that lately had been a window.