ganache / gəˈnɑʃ /


ganache 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a whipped frosting or filling made with semisweet chocolate and cream, used for cakes, pastries, and candies.


  1. Nutella is a delicious blend of hazelnuts and chocolate, and is used here in a jaw-droppingly gorgeous ganache for this cake.
  2. In the end, though, I went with the Vongerichten recipe, because it doesn’t require you to make a separate ganache and was just as satisfying.
  3. Its color and flavor shine best in a ganache made with olive oil rather than the standard cream.
  4. The chocolate should firm up after a couple hours, just about to the consistency of room temperature-set ganache.
  5. Devil's food cupcakes are filled with a luscious chocolate mousse center and topped with a coating of chocolate ganache.