gamy / ˈgeɪ mi /


gamy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

gam·i·er, gam·i·est.

  1. having the tangy flavor or odor of game: I like the gamy taste of venison.
  2. having the flavor or odor of game or other meat kept uncooked until slightly tainted: The roast was still edible but was slightly gamy.
  3. plucky; spirited.
  4. lewd or suggestive; risqué.
  5. gross or squalid; unwholesome.

gamy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

ill-smelling; corrupt


  1. GREAT VALUEAn intriguing pinot, with intense flavors of cherries, tree bark and a gamy meat on a grill tantalizingly out of sight, all wrapped in silky elegance.
  2. A few seconds later he landed a delicately spotted, gamy fish about eight inches long, which he recognized as a grayling.
  3. Will the little ogre pass without repugnance from the gamy flavour of a carcase to the scent of flowers?
  4. The mountain quails are the largest and most beautiful of all the American quails, though the least hunted and the least gamy.
  5. Like all of the family it is a gamy fish, and affords good sport to the angler.
  6. This species fights altogether on the surface, but lacks the sterling gamy qualities of the tuna.