gaberdine / ˈgæb ərˌdin, ˌgæb ərˈdin /


gaberdine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also gabardine. a long, loose coat or frock for men, worn in the Middle Ages, especially by Jews.
  2. gabardine.


  1. He was old, and his woollen gaberdine still reeked of the stinking artemisia of the mountain passes.
  2. A picturesque grey-headed and grey-bearded old Jew, in a shovel-hat and gaberdine.'
  3. He wore a black gaberdine and a large hat with a turned-down brim.
  4. I promised, as the price of your admission, to hide me under his bearish gaberdine, and prompt him in the hour of need.
  5. A shrivelled arm, a dropsied leg, were to Ribera what a breast-plate and a gaberdine were to Rembrandt.