futurism / ˈfyu tʃəˌrɪz əm /


futurism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a style of the fine arts developed originally by a group of Italian artists about 1910 in which forms derived chiefly from cubism were used to represent rapid movement and dynamic motion.
  2. a style of art, literature, music, etc., and a theory of art and life in which violence, power, speed, mechanization or machines, and hostility to the past or to traditional forms of expression were advocated or portrayed.

futurism 近义词


等同于 science fiction


  1. The computer-arts venue is near the city’s prime blossom-viewing area, whose pink-dotted trees tie Washington to Japan, land of futurism as much as tradition.
  2. Futurism became less about predicting the future than pandering to those who sought to maintain an expired past.
  3. But futurism and policy stuff was almost absent from her speech.
  4. Amazing new 3D graphics, floating mid-air, helped the music's vintage futurism feel current.
  5. Models walked through water in structural and sheer garments, evoking both an early tribalism and futurism.
  6. Surely here is the home of Post Impressionism and of Futurism.
  7. There may be a science of Futurism in which the "force-lines" of a horse or a motor car may be part of a useful diagram.
  8. Into this reticence pieces of futurism, Omega cushions and Van-Gogh-like pictures exploded their colours.
  9. The difference between Pastism and Futurism is the difference between statics and dynamics.
  10. Signor Marinetti, who coined the hideous word, "Futurism," goes still further.