fustian / ˈfʌs tʃən /


fustian2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a stout fabric of cotton and flax.
  2. a fabric of stout twilled cotton or of cotton and low-quality wool, with a short nap or pile.
  3. inflated or turgid language in writing or speaking: Fustian can't disguise the author's meager plot.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. made of fustian: a fustian coat; fustian bed linen.
  2. pompous or bombastic, as language: fustian melodrama.
  3. worthless; cheap: fustian knaves and dupes.

fustian 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. It was simple; it was direct; there was no fustian in it; and yet it told the story perfectly.
  2. He wrote and read, and smoked and wrote, rising early, and talking fustian.
  3. Even in fustian garments nobility hides with difficulty from keen and suspicious eyes.
  4. Yes, there were swells here, ball-room coxcombs in fustian and felt.
  5. Return to his bedroom, throw off the clothes, beat the featherbed, see that the fustian and sheets are clean.
  6. The knight is first dressed in a doublet of fustian, lined with satin, which is cut with holes for ventilation.