fro-yo / ˈfroʊˌyoʊ /


fro-yo 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. The Yo app might have brought “one-bit” communication to the public attention, but the Apple Watch thrives on it.
  2. Garrett discusses being stop-lossed, which is a psychological yo-yo that really screwed him up.
  3. I yo AIRGORDON and the rest of my Yo friends when I wake up for no discernible reason, other than to assert my existence.
  4. And I can tap and tap and tap and yo and yo and yo, contemplating or not contemplating the inanity that is this life.
  5. I yo my friend BOIBLOG about 15 times on the way to the train station.
  6. Wycliffe translates the Vulgate: “And it as a modir onourid schal meete hym, and as a womman fro virgynyte schal take him.”
  7. Five hundred of our fighting men are running to and fro between cliffs and sea carrying stones wherewith to improve our pier.
  8. He passed to and fro in the city without the least insult being offered him by any Spaniard.
  9. An' if any of yo' uns insinuates I am afraid, yo' uns will have to settle with Josh Hicks, an' that mighty quick.
  10. Just then Hicks caught sight of Duncan, and yelled: "Bill, did yo' un meet a party of about a dozen men a few minutes ago?"