frenulum / ˈfrɛn yə ləm /


frenulum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fren·u·la [fren-yuh-luh]. /ˈfrɛn yə lə/.

  1. Anatomy, Zoology. a small frenum.
  2. Entomology. a strong spine or group of bristles on the hind wing of many butterflies and moths, projecting beneath the forewing and serving to hold the two wings together in flight.


  1. A deficient or excessive development of the lingual frenulum may also interfere with the movements of the tongue (tongue-tie).
  2. Several of the families in this group have lost the frenulum.
  3. If due to a tight frenulum, this requires the attention of a doctor.
  4. This process is termed the retinaculum, and serves, in conjunction with the frenulum, to lock the wings together during flight.
  5. In many of the Lepidoptera both frenulum and retinaculum are entirely wanting.