freightage / ˈfreɪ tɪdʒ /


freightage 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the transportation of goods.
  2. the price for this.
  3. freight, cargo, or lading.

freightage 近义词


等同于 transport


等同于 transportation


  1. The Helen Mar carried no guano, and charged freightage accordingly for being clean.
  2. Actually, the heavy freightage that must pass over these roads makes it essential that they be first class.
  3. If the potatoes had gone to Philadelphia, he would have paid forty-eight dollars freightage.
  4. One man carries across it a freightage of ingots, another may fish there for herrings.
  5. Passing the wide freightage doors, I came to a narrow one which was wide open; so I first looked, and then walked in.