frater / ˈfreɪ tər /
frater 的定义
n. 名词 noun- a brother, as in a religious or fraternal order; comrade.
- a member of a college or university fraternity.
- Uncle Jack was not much of a scholar, but he knew enough Latin to answer, "Salve tantundem, mi frater."
- Praefectus praesidii Tarentini deperibat amore mulierculae, cuius frater in exercitu Fabii erat.
- In the first of these letters Seneca hopes his brother Paul is well: "Bene te valere, frater, cupio."
- The refectory, sometimes called the fratry or frater-house, was the common hall for all conventual meals.
- Ecce, ego idcirco vocavi te, frater carissime, ut exemplo mei talia discas operari.