fossorial / fɒˈsɔr i əl, -ˈsoʊr- /


fossorial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. digging or burrowing.
  2. adapted for digging, as the hands, feet, and bone structure of moles, armadillos, and aardvarks.


  1. Among the Vespoid families of fossorial wasps, the Pompilidae are the most important.
  2. The moist soil and litter on the forest floor is an important microhabitat for fossorial and strictly terrestrial species.
  3. In the savannas Rhinophrynus dorsalis, Engystomops pustulosus, and Gastrophryne usta are fossorial species.
  4. Of these, Syrrhophus pipilans sometimes inhabits low trees and bushes; the others may be fossorial.
  5. In the semi-arid scrub forest the same fossorial species as exist in the savannas are found.