fossa / ˈfɒs ə /


fossa 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fos·sae [fos-ee]. /ˈfɒs i/. Anatomy.

  1. a pit, cavity, or depression, as in a bone.


  1. The more anterior fibers insert fleshily on the mandibular fossa.
  2. The insertion is primarily a fleshy attachment on the mandibular fossa.
  3. First of all, then, come the civets; and first among the civets is the fossa, which is found in Madagascar.
  4. The prominences called ‘genial tubercles’ behind the chin are replaced by a shallow pit or fossa.
  5. The nasal aperture, or olfactory fossa, is very large, and is placed a little below the brain-case.