forward-thinking / ˈfɔr wərdˌθɪŋ kɪŋ /


forward-thinking 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. planning or tending to plan for the future; forward-looking.


  1. While Huckabee is thinking about his run for president, I thought it was time to think about Huckabee.
  2. But the ads are not just intended to remind the Google-curious that Paul exists and is thinking about running for president.
  3. What if you just want eyes on the back of your head, you want forward and rear-facing cameras?
  4. So just looking forward to taking our sweet ass time with this next one.
  5. His speeches, which he wrote himself, were frequently brilliant, even if they too often pointed backward instead of forward.
  6. He reached forward and took her hands, and if Mrs. Vivian had come in she would have seen him kneeling at her daughter's feet.
  7. I do not care very much how you censor or select the reading and talking and thinking of the schoolboy or schoolgirl.
  8. He, with others, thinking the miss-sahib had gone to church, was smoking the hookah of gossip in a neighboring compound.
  9. They came forward, a little timidly, and their latest visitor held out a hand to each.
  10. He desired his secretary to go to the devil, but, thinking better of it, he recalled him as he reached the door.