fortuitousness / fɔrˈtu ɪ təs, -ˈtyu- /


fortuitousness 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. happening or produced by chance; accidental: a fortuitous encounter.
  2. lucky; fortunate: a series of fortuitous events that advanced her career.

fortuitousness 近义词

n. 名词 noun


fortuitousness 的近义词 7
fortuitousness 的反义词 2


  1. That is just the first of several fortuitous twists of fate.
  2. Over time, a sphere of rock formed around the fossil before eventually breaking open in a fortuitous way.
  3. It was a far less fortuitous time to be an autistic person in the real world.
  4. It was a fortuitous find, as most of the brewery’s archives had been destroyed in a series of fires.
  5. It was a fortuitous time to have one, for the pressing question of the day regarding her race was how to deal with its continued subjugation, often enforced by lynching.
  6. “It was a fortuitous discovery,” Bruenn told The Daily Beast last week.
  7. But all kinds of fortuitous circumstances—important people “seeing that”—led him to getting cast in Inside Llewyn Davis.
  8. All of which is why the juxtaposition of these two cases is fortuitous.
  9. And 1968 was a fortuitous year to become European Champions: it was the year that defined an age.
  10. What is useful in sport might be less fortuitous in other circumstances.
  11. But the inordinate and fortuitous gains from land are really only one example from a general class.
  12. In short, birth was fortuitous, a product of circumstance plus proximity, its get a biological accident.
  13. Many finds have been simply fortuitous, but tombs have been the most valuable repositories.
  14. This one has ended in a great good; really, it's the most fortuitous happening in my brief career as a minister of the Gospel.
  15. No one supposes the agreement with the phenomena of light with the theory of undulations to be merely fortuitous.