foresee / fɔrˈsi /


foresee2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

fore·saw, fore·seen, fore·see·ing.

  1. to have prescience of; to know in advance; foreknow.
  2. to see beforehand.
v. 无主动词 verb

fore·saw, fore·seen, fore·see·ing.

  1. to exercise foresight.

foresee 近义词

v. 动词 verb

anticipate, predict


  1. Every scientist knows they can’t possibly foresee all possible instances or situations in which they could be proven wrong, no matter how strong their data.
  2. While few foresaw his initial win, even fewer predicted what this highly unusual president would do in office.
  3. They foresee 24 named storms in total, 12 of which could be hurricanes, including five major ones.
  4. There was absolutely no way to foresee that the discovery of radioactivity, or the atomic nucleus, or even the neutron would eventually enable the construction of a weapon of mass destruction.
  5. You can also utilize the power of predictive analytics which uses historical data and machine learning to foresee your brand’s future performance.
  6. There is no way to foresee a future that still hides in turmoil.
  7. What he could not foresee was that a half century later Freedom Summer would not be ancient history.
  8. “At present, few scientists foresee any serious or practical use for atomic energy,” an article read.
  9. Other lodging options that remain open outside the closed parks foresee a harder hit.
  10. Our brains can foresee that if we let natural selection take its course then it could be disastrous in the long run.
  11. But no one in Spain and few in Manila as yet could foresee how the fulfilment of the Agreement would be bungled.
  12. But it was less easy to foresee that William would be the chief and indeed almost the only object of their indignation.
  13. Am I suddenly to obtain some post, and do people know it, or foresee it, because they forestall me and bow to me first?
  14. Max Bray arranged all future matters to his entire satisfaction, but again there were contingencies that he could not foresee.
  15. I could foresee a catastrophe which would for ever unsettle the two towns, and give the valley an unenviable reputation.