foregone / fɔrˈgɔn, -ˈgɒn; ˈfɔrˌgɔn, -ˌgɒn, /


foregone 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. that has gone before; previous; past.
  2. determined in advance; inevitable.

foregone 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. In style and rhetoric, McAuliffe sought to convey to voters the impression that his nomination is a foregone conclusion — even down to a stately office backdrop on screen that was centered by a large sectional couch.
  2. Neither peace nor co-existence ever stood a chance, with the Palestinian uprising of 2000-2005 in one form or another as foregone a conclusion as its various predecessors.
  3. To be sure, Republican rule of the Senate is not a foregone conclusion.
  4. Indeed, to members of the Yes campaign in the final days, victory was a foregone conclusion.
  5. As Egyptians go to the polls, the election of a new strongman is a foregone conclusion.
  6. In his home state, Brian Sandoval is a foregone lock to be reelected governor.
  7. Usually the Best Picture winner is a foregone conclusion by this point—did anyone really think The Artist or Argo would lose?
  8. He must have seen, long before November 1292, that an adverse decision was a foregone conclusion.
  9. It seems to be a foregone conclusion that I shall never hear a good performance of one of my operas.
  10. Finally, a foregone conclusion against her had stolen into Theodore's mind, and this she could not conquer.
  11. General opinion in financial circles leans to idea that new policy is foregone failure.
  12. Unless they were captured, it was a foregone conclusion that Trymore and Pringle would try to reach the car.