- 看过 footpace 的人也看了 :
- crawl
- creep
- slow motion
footpace 的定义
- walking pace.
- a raised portion of a floor; platform.
- a landing or resting place at the end of a short flight of steps.
footpace 近义词
等同于 snail's pace
footpace 的近义词 6 个
- It stands upon four shafts, the lower portions of which are of dark marble resting on the moulded footpace round the altar.
- The carriage rolled on, gently swaying and lurching: Lavrtzky proceeded homeward at a footpace.
- On our way back we rode a footpace, while the captain, now ready enough to talk, answered my many questions.
- The footpace is also old, and placed exactly in the centre of the apse.
- The scamel is simply the footpace of the altar on which she has been set.