flowerpot / ˈflaʊ ərˌpɒt /


flowerpot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a container in which to grow and display plants.

flowerpot 近义词

n. 名词 noun


flowerpot 的近义词 4


  1. I tip-toe to the car while keeping my distance from the ominous flowerpot-barricade… just in case.
  2. Unable to resist, I walk over to the flowerpot-barricade and stretch one leg over onto Croatian soil.
  3. Hannah Arendt complained disdainfully about the "art of being happy ... between dog and cat and flowerpot."
  4. Then came the pitch-pine staves of a rice-cask; then a bedstead, a broken chair, a wooden flowerpot!
  5. Now obtain a small quantity of asbestos compound and pack it around the small crucible inside the flowerpot.
  6. Make sure the crucible is in the exact center of the flowerpot and that their tops are even with each other.
  7. "I am your ridiculously unhappy ward," answered the Flowerpot, tremulously.
  8. Miss Francis squatted ungracefully on her heels and looked up from the flowerpot she had been engaged with.