flowering / ˈflaʊ ər ɪŋ /


flowering 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. bearing flowers.

flowering 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. “A lot of people do it because they think it’s going to enhance flowering, but it actually delays flowering onset as much as a month,” said Tom Smiley, senior arboricultural researcher at Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories in Charlotte.
  2. In the world’s largest seagrass restoration project, scientists have observed an ecosystem from birth to full flowering.
  3. Green plants in pre-flowering stages may contain significant protein but not fat.
  4. She is a young television mogul, actress, comedy writer, and flowering feminist in the public eye.
  5. But the other side of the coin would be, inevitably, the flowering of crime and corruption around the gambling business.
  6. Things like “excessive napping” and “wall flowering” are penalized.
  7. I look forward to an even richer intellectual flowering in the months ahead.
  8. Wreaths, bouquets, baskets, and flowering-plants in moss-covered pots.
  9. Flowering shrubs in pots were ranged up these steps, while the sides of the porch proper were crammed with them.
  10. The wing in which the family lived had been surrounded with flowering plants and shrubbery.
  11. The river pool commenced to blacken, while flowering rushes tossed their shivering heads and murmured.
  12. In this yard were lilacs of a large growth, roses of various kinds, and flowering almonds.