flagman / ˈflæg mən /


flagman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural flag·men.

  1. a person who signals with a flag or lantern, as at a railroad crossing.
  2. a person who has charge of or carries a flag.

flagman 近义词


等同于 watchman


  1. The division engineer, with his front flagman, had already galloped half a mile away across the plain.
  2. He has also made some changes in his force, and is going to see what sort of a front flagman Glen Eddy will make.
  3. Three shrill whistle calls sent a sleepy flagman racing to set the switch of the siding.
  4. Heres a handful, my hearty, and the flagman darted into the little shanty and out again with a fistful of great chunks of chalk.
  5. The flagman on the end of the train had helped the boy aboard the last car as the train started to move.