flabellum / fləˈbɛl əm /


flabellum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fla·bel·la [fluh-bel-uh]. /fləˈbɛl ə/.

  1. a fan, especially one used in religious ceremonies.
  2. a fan-shaped part.

flabellum 近义词


等同于 fan


  1. The large organ of the flabellum and the branchial organs he has not taken into consideration.
  2. A special sense-organ, such as the flabellum of Limulus or the pecten of scorpion, remains and gives rise to the auditory organ.
  3. Upon the completion of the victory, four fan-bearers, each with crook and flabellum, offer the spoils of conquest to the king.
  4. There is also in the same collection a capital of morse ivory for the handle of a flabellum, North German, twelfth century.
  5. A portion of the cylindrical stem of a flabellum or aspergillum, probably French of the twelfth century, is in the British Museum.