fixed-gear / ˈfɪkstˈgɪər /


fixed-gear 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called fixed-gear bicycle; Informal, fixie . a bicycle having a single-gear system and lacking a freewheel mechanism, so that the wheels only move when the pedals move.
  2. such a gear system: The bike has a fixed gear.


  1. And so, he says he left prison without proper ID, just his release papers and the “dress-out gear” he was given by the state.
  2. One Air Force official said that with enough time and more money, the EOTS could be fixed.
  3. People on fixed incomes and government pensions are the first to feel the pain.
  4. We, on the other hand, on the police side, will naturally gear up to deal with any potential contingency that might occur.
  5. The best thing about winter is seeing all the cute kids bundled up in their cold-weather gear.
  6. As men fixed in the grip of nightmare, we were powerless—unable to do anything but wait.
  7. Her eyes, for a moment, fixed themselves with a horrid conviction of a wide and nameless treachery.
  8. The Princess still kept her eyes fixed on Louis, while, in a suppressed and unsteady voice, she answered her governess.
  9. She kept her eyes fixed steadily on his, saying what followed gently, calmly, yet as though another woman spoke the words.
  10. The controlling leaders being out of gear the machine did not run smoothly: there was nothing but friction and tension.