firman / ˈfɜr mən, fərˈmɑn /


firman 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fir·mans.

  1. an edict or administrative order issued by or in the name of a Middle Eastern sovereign.


  1. Firman reckons that he loses about two friends a year to climbing-related accidents.
  2. There is no solace in the adage that ‘at least he died doing what he loved,’” Firman told me, “It sucks and it will happen.
  3. The more important dynamic at work, Firman said, is the longer-term process of elemental self-discovery that can happen.
  4. The sultan of Turkey issued a firman granting new rights and privileges to his Christian subjects.
  5. Show me the forgery you dare to call the firman of his sublime majesty, the sultan.
  6. The same night arrived a firman from the sultan, proclaiming Ibrahim Pasha of Allahissar.
  7. The firman issued by the Khans to the prince of their selection.
  8. So on the 27th of September I arrived at the Dardanelles with my firman.