firedamp / ˈfaɪərˌdæmp /


firedamp 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a combustible gas consisting chiefly of methane, formed especially in coal mines, and dangerously explosive when mixed with certain proportions of atmospheric air.
  2. the explosive mixture itself.


  1. An example of a hydrocarbon or compound of carbon and hydrogen, is marsh gas (methane) or firedamp, CH4.
  2. As well might the vapours of the swamp be purified by filling it with the firedamp.
  3. Mr. Crotchet, jun.—I hope, Mr. Firedamp, you will let your friendship carry you a little closer into the jaws of the lion.
  4. Next to her is Mr. Firedamp, a very absurd person, who thinks that water is the evil principle.
  5. Proceeding to the edge of the moat, they fished up Mr. Firedamp, who had missed his way back, and tumbled in.