fino / ˈfi noʊ; Spanish ˈfi nɔ /


fino 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pale, very dry sherry of Spain.


  1. And in the far south, almost in view of North Africa, the tiny port of Sanlucar de Barrameda produces the finest of fino sherries.
  2. Valdespino ‘Ideal’ and Alvear Pale Cream are sweetened Fino and make delicious mid-day nips.
  3. Fino and Manzanilla age beneath healthy layers flor and are therefore the crispest and brightest.
  4. El moro era un potro criollo, de corta alzada y un poco trasijado, pero tan vivo, nervioso y rpido como un fino resorte de acero.
  5. Multajn fojojn je la fino de la tago li sidas tie, kaj parolas pri tiaj aferoj ĝis malfrua horo de la vespero.
  6. Berthold, nicknamed Fino, is just entering on his duties for the first time.
  7. Parancisco for Francisco, palso for falso, pino for fino, &c.
  8. "Pulque fino de Apam" is inscribed on each little blue-and-pink cantina.