fifty-second / ˈfɪf tiˈsɛk ənd /


fifty-second2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. next after the fifty-first; being the ordinal number for 52.
  2. being one of 52 equal parts.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a fifty-second part, especially of one.
  2. the fifty-second member of a series.


  1. Gunshots rang out in Paris this morning on a second day of deadly violence that has stunned the French capital.
  2. And as he adjusted to this change in circumstances, he screamed at himself a second time: Wait!
  3. A second document was titled: “Gambia Reborn: A Charter for Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy and Development.”
  4. If 29 vote for someone else, the race for speaker goes to a second ballot for the first time in almost 100 years.
  5. At least 29 fellow Republicans must vote against Boehner for a second ballot to be reached, and that seems very unlikely.
  6. The country is well inhabited, for it contains fifty-one cities, near a hundred walled towns, and a great number of villages.
  7. In particular the Governor of Adinskoy offered us a guard of fifty men to the next station, if we apprehended any danger.
  8. Done, says he, why let fifty of our men advance, and flank them on each wing.
  9. In treble, second and fourth, the first change is a dodge behind; and the second time the treble leads, there's a double Bob.
  10. On his head was the second-hand hat of some parvenu's coachman, gold lace, cockade and all.