field-strip / ˈfildˌstrɪp /


field-strip 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

field-stripped or field-stript, field-strip·ping.Military.

  1. to take apart for cleaning, lubrication, and repair or for inspection.
  2. to roll up the paper and scatter the tobacco of.


  1. The eating disorder field remains divided over the potential efficacy of such measures.
  2. “He was a brave field commander and an expert in intelligence, and in organizing popular and tribal forces,” said the eulogist.
  3. If anything, officer training and in-field policing methodologies reinforce those beliefs.
  4. Then the commercial weight loss behemoths Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig joined this crowded field.
  5. It was, we have to have a team, all the right balls, a big field, and everything has to look right and be right.
  6. He distinguished himself in several campaigns, especially in the Peninsular war, and was raised to the rank of field marshal.
  7. We had six field-pieces, but we only took four, harnessed wit twice the usual number of horses.
  8. There were two battalions, together about a thousand men; and they brought a field-piece with them.
  9. The reveillée of the sleeping Mexicans was the discharge of our two field-pieces loaded with canister.
  10. Then the enemy's howitzers and field guns had it all their own way, forcing attack to yield a lot of ground.