fibroma / faɪˈbroʊ mə /


fibroma 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural fi·bro·mas, fi·bro·ma·ta [fahy-broh-muh-tuh]. /faɪˈbroʊ mə tə/. Pathology.

  1. a tumor consisting essentially of fibrous tissue.


  1. The majority of the former were papilloma , fibroma , enchondroma , and intratracheal struma .
  2. It is a suitable method for the removal of papilloma, fibroma, and bleeding polypus of the septum.
  3. Various forms of fibroma are met with in the mamma and are described with diseases of that organ.
  4. The skin—especially the skin of the buttock—is one of the favourite seats of fibroma, and it may occur in a multiple form.
  5. In these conditions, a malignant transformation of the fibroma into sarcoma is to be suspected.