federalize / ˈfɛd ər əˌlaɪz /


federalize 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb

fed·er·al·ized, fed·er·al·iz·ing.

  1. to bring under the control of a federal government: to federalize the National Guard.
  2. to bring together in a federal union, as different states.


  1. I'm not in favor of a bill that basically federalizes this zoning ordinance that should be done locally.
  2. Kennedy made sure that the National Guard could be federalized in time to arrive on campus by the afternoon.
  3. Bobby reported the standoff with Wallace to the president, who issued the order to federalize the Alabama National Guard.
  4. Federal law permits a president to federalize the Guard under very limited circumstances, including when he is “unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States.”
  5. If the president federalizes Guard troops, they are then under his control, not the governor’s.
  6. We did everything with Europe except recognize its first weak effort to federalize itself on our model.