febrifuge / ˈfɛb rəˌfyudʒ /


febrifuge2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. serving to dispel or reduce fever, as a medicine.
n. 名词 noun
  1. such a medicine or agent.
  2. a cooling drink.


  1. Said by M. Thoriel to possess considerable power as a febrifuge.
  2. These compounds had a very surprising febrifuge action, without any unpleasant after effects or local disturbances.
  3. And in order to cure it,” said Spilett to Cyrus Harding, “we need a febrifuge.
  4. If before to-morrow morning we have not given him a more energetic febrifuge,” said the reporter, “Herbert will be dead.
  5. The water in which it was dipped operated as a styptic, as a febrifuge, and possessed other properties as a medical talisman.