to persuade with facile argument, usually with the intention to deceive or to overwhelm rational objections: The salesperson tried to fast-talk me into buying a suit I didn't want.
What celebrity has started to talk about his or her eating disorder?
Hopefully not overly close, but we talk about it in the episode how similar it is.
Earlier this week, Huckabee ended his Fox News talk show so he could spend time mulling another bid for the Republican nomination.
Those who come to the Dinner Party are self-selecting; they do want to talk about it.
The focus here was on how fast oil would come out of the Canadian fields.
The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontellier's eyes that the damp sleeve of her peignoir no longer served to dry them.
There are a number of bacilli, called acid-fast bacilli, which stain in the same way as the tubercle bacillus.
And is this a mere fantastic talk, or is this a thing that could be done and that ought to be done?
You see, they always butter their chairs so that they won't stick fast when they sit down.
You see, I am the city undertaker, and the people are dying here so fast, that I can hardly supply the demand for coffins.